
Next week me and the rest of the sixth grade are going to McDowell to take a tour of the school we will be going to for the next two years.

I am kind of nervous to go to McDowell but i am excited too. I am nervous because its going to be the first time that I will have my own schedule and the first time that I am going to have a combination lock for my locker. I am excited because I will meet new people and be able to go to school with some kids that I already know.

I think the tour of McDowell will be fun because I will see a lot of people I know and get to know my way around the building. I think it will be easy to know where the classes are and I hope it will be easy to remember my combination for my lock.

I am excited to be able to have gym for a whole semester and to have many different classes and to learn many different things. I am also excited to try out for sports so if I make them I would be able to play sports for my school.

So over all I think McDowell will be a very fun experience with some things that make me nervous. I think that going on the tour to McDowell will help me a lot to get used to the school.

I am also excited because of the air conditioning. I think that will be really nice compared to the heat we have all day now.

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